This is a list of Questions Asked at MIT discussion server with Relevant answers

Re: DEVEL, LOG :MM. Finding Table & Field with Known Structure
Case to case basis you might find some clue but there is no fundamental
relationship between fields of structure that you see and the tables that
keep it. Since it is easy, many people take this F1--> F9 route. A
detailed discussion on this u will find on the following site:

u will also get generic solutions for report and BDC development.
Chinni Rao wrote:

> Hi Developers
>  How to find the Table and Field names for a Known Structure. What I
> mean If I know the Structure which is Using on the Screen, How can I
> know Which table is storing this Information.
> Now I am looking for Table and Field For RM03M-LTEX1  ( Purchase Order
> text. TCODE: MM02 , View - Purchase Order Text )
>  Thanks for Your Help in advance. any good tips will help me.
> Adi.

Re: SD:Invoice
Here Delivery is one entity and Invoice is another. Link between two entities is achived as follows:

Select the key  of the Subsequent /Previous function of the workflow cycle

This link among processes belonging to the application area is established in following ways:
1.  Using Document flow table(VBFA in case of SAP)
2.  Using Fields of the table keeping references of Previous function.
This requires the output of this step is stored in the structure to keep Entities of the business cycle related to
the report.

This is a cut-paste I have done from the following site:

Douglas H Myers wrote:

I have a simple SD question.  In an ABAP I need to look up the invoice number, but
all the information I have is the Delivery Document number.  What tables do I use
to link from the deleivery document to the Invoice??

     Thanks in advance.

LOG: Finding data by Pressing HELP --> Technical Info on a screen field to get the tables,fields is dangerousThis message is in response to the numerous question like :
1) I pressed F1 followed by Technical Info on a screen field and I got a name of table and field for a screen field,  but it does
not keep the data ......
2) I found a structure while trying to find a data how to find the table which will keep the data using the structure ......

Ans: Simply, It is wrong to try to find data using F1 on the screen followed by F9. Sometimes it might work but please don't
get used to it. Following URL discusses regarding how to find data with an example:
Concepts: On-line  processes  which acts as an interface  between  the
user  and   the   database   presents only User   data-iems.
Identification of tables and field name simply from the user
interface   screen   fields   means   expecting   one-to-one
relationship between User data-item and System data-item(Table
and field). It will not be the case always.
The  difference between data-items users interact  with  and
fields    of    the   table   is   due   to   Normalization,
Parameterization and other reasons[Ref. 1.2].

This   mismatch  between  UDI  and  table-field  makes   the
production of  organizational documents, reports  and  forms
more  involved. The complexity of report is due to the  lack
of  one-to-one  correspondence between the  user  data-items
and  system  data-items.

Re: Fwd: Re: DEVEL: easy way to find table from structure data
Wendy 's list is pretty exhaustive. and this in one way answers the reason why
people are getting structures when There need is really Tables. Going through
techmical Info is easiest and most error-prone. Most of time Application experts as
well as programmers take this route. And then they start looking for ways to
progress to tables from structures available to them. I would say it is a mistake.
What connection internal tables defined in your program has with the tables you use
to fill them? a very remote one. Only a process analyser can tell you the tables a
process is filling. It is a fundamental concept and has got nothing to do with SAP
? Luckily we have process analyser in SAP as Runtime analysis. An equally useful
function is DB activity analyser i.e.  SQL trace.  In fact till the I did not know
of Run. Anal I was designing a Universal process Analyser.

I feel very happy that this problem has been asked and thought over by so many
intelligent people so many times. But I am very dissapointed that people did not
ask a question if structures in SAP programs has got a relationship with tables
then what structures shall we use in our programs depending upon the tables we need
to use?
All of us need to go deep into it and find out the structure(internal tables) we
shall be using. I have done some work which might act as a foundation for future
thinkers. It is available on the ollowing URL:

Wendy Collins wrote:  These are my suggestions for finding data in SAP.
> 1.  Map the fields on the user s data entry screens.  This is usually
> used for BDC programs.
>         Click on the field.
>         Click on ?
>         Click on Technical Information.
>         Write down the file and field names.
>         If the file appears to be a structure (usually starts with an  R ),
> then double click       on the data element and do a  where used  or pick
> another field on another  screen to     get the file name.
> 2.  Use SHDB trans code to record user s data entry process.  Look at
> results for files and fields    used.  Same comments as above in item 1.
> This is usually used for BDC programs.
> 3.  SAP programs
>         Go to the program and look at list of files used.  Sometimes this list
> is huge. Whittle it     down by looking at the General Information on files
> listed below.  Use this info to         eliminate structures.  Many files are
>  system files  and master files you may not need.
> 4.  Custom programs
>         Look at list of files used.  You can also look at fields used and how
> they are used for       SHW specific requirements.
> 5.  COGNOS Impromptu Headstart
>         Look at list of files used in SAP Headstart catalog (or any other data
> warehouse or EIS        add on product).
> 6.  SAP Dictionary
>         A.  Search by application area.  For example V* gets a lot of (but not
> all) sales tables.
>         B.  To get description and related tables look at the main table
> (example MARA for       materials) and  look at the check tables used (SPART
> - brand - uses TSPA, Add a T at         the end to get TSPAT, this has text).
>         C.  Double click on a data element in a table(key field is best, also
> choose a field unique   to the area you are searching) and do where used
> to get related tables.
>         D.  Do a search.  Abap/4 Workbench - Dictionary - Dictionary Object -
> Find.   Click on                he All Selections button.  Limit your search.
>         E.  You can use query to list files DD02L & T by application class.
> 7.  Logical databases
>         Look at logical databases in the application for the files and
> relationships.  Some files      used are structures or views.  Look up the
> structure or view in the data dictionary for     include  of physical
> files.
> 8.  Query Function Areas
>         Look at the query function area definitions.  This has files and joins.
> Depending on the        intended use of the function area the useful fields
> are selected.
> 9.  Sap Files documents lists many known files in Misdocs\Sap\Abap.
> Sapfiles.doc
> 10.  SQL Trace.  System - Utilities - SQL Trace.
>         Go the user s data entry program or report.
>         Start SQL Trace.
>         Do data entry or run report.
>         End SQL Trace.
>         List Trace.
> 11.  Configurator can show you where configuration is done.  Use
> instructions for item one.  Sometimes configuration creates files as in
> pricing conditions or include/exclude.  This might be indicated by a
> number.  SAP adds a letter to the front.  A* is pricing conditions.
> 12.  Runtime Analysis.  System - Utilities - Runtime Analysis.
> 13.  Ask other Abap programmers.
> General Information
> R* - Usually a structure.  If you need to trace it do a where used and
> find programs that use it and look at files that are passed through it.
> Do a where used on a key data element.
> T* and A* - These are usually master files generally maintained or
> created in configuration.
> V_ * - These are view files.  Look at the definition in the dictionary
> to see the files joined into this view.
> *S - Files that end in S are sometimes structures.  Look at the
> dictionary definition for the files that are included.
> *T - Files that end in T are usually text files.  Take the T off and
> look for the related base file in the dictionary.  Conversely add a T to
> the end of a file to see if this is the name of the text file.

Hi there,
From what you have tried looks really a lot. What I get from your problem is that corresponding to each pricing condition type you want to print the GL account in which the values are being posted. Please correct me if I did not understand your problem exactly( as you r looking for table keeping condition type and G/L account *)

Unfortunately this relationship is not kept as directly as you think, i.e. in a single table. Instead it is through account key.
Doing what you r trying to do without any application knowledge will amount to nothing less than Magic.

The process of interest to you is "Release to Accounting" of Billing documents Transaction code 'VF02' pushbutton
"Release to Accounting". Runtime Analysis of this should give you the relevant tables with account key and GL account combination. Link Konv with these tables.
Detail regarding  how to do this is available on following URL. Go through FAQ it will help.


Thess Dayrit wrote:

SAP Gurus,=09

        I have a very big problem.  We  have this billing statement layout set =
copied from the original layout set RVINVOICE01 .... Everything was =
going well when the client asked that the glaccount should also be =
displayed ... I used KONV-SAKN1 and SAKN2 but no GL account was =
displayed ... * I could not find any transparent table that would select =
the document number condition (KONV-KNUMV), item number (KONV-KPOSN), =
step number (KONV-STUNR) and condition type (KONV-KSCHL) ---- this =
should be combinations should be satisfied to be able to get the right =
GL account.

        I also tried programming by selecting the needed fields from KONV but =
still no GL accounts is displayed ....=20

        I even tried debugging from the transaction level (VF03) but to my =
surprise, it did not even passed through the print program .....=20

        Where did I go wrong .. Did I miss something or did something stupid in =
the process ? Please advice.  Any help will be greatly appreciated .....


Re: BASIS,LOG: Finding Data
 Dear kevin,
Finding data is truly one of the problems you face in data collection in SAP.
There are many ways like
1) Runtime analysis of the related business process
2) Switching on SQL trace
3) Some SAP data-dictionary transactions which list tables belonging to an area

4) Debug of transaction so on and so forth..

But a close analysis of all these has brought out following points -
1) Debug is very time taking and frustrating process and you may not get the
right table as well
2) SAP data-dictionary transaction gives you a no. of table and there is no way
to filter this list as per your requirement
* 3) SQL trace does give you precisely those tables which are of direct
relevance to you
* 4) Runtime Analysis also gives tables that are taking part in the process of
your interest.
You can use either of option 3 or option 4.
But there is more to a report writing. I will request you to goto following URL
which has process oriented view of report development and subsequently favours
Runtime Analysis -

Let me know if you had difficulty in solving your problem.

Kevin Skilton wrote:

> Hi Sappers
> We are on 3.1H
> I am having a great deal of trouble finding what table certain data resides
> in.  For example I want to locate the table which holds consumption data.
>  When I look at this data in the Material Master and bring up the technical
> info on the field it is VBWRT in table RM03M. When I go to SE16 to view the
> table,  it says I can't because it is a structure not a table.  How do I
> find out where the data is kept that I can get at?
> Thanks
> Kevin

Subject: inverse batch input
Why wouldn't you treat  it like a Report With Destination of data being
different,  the legacy package .
A report has two modules
1) Collecting data from the database
2) Routing data to a Destination e.g. a flat-file, a excel worksheet, or
legacy system.

Source code for the second module will depend upon the destination. I
hope that your legacy system database will not be as complicated as SAP
and you will be able to identify the tables that should get the data. It
will remove your need to write the source code module as a BDC and will
be more like direct SQls. you got to look at it as two modules
interacting by the internal tables defined to keep the collected data by
the first module. I can go on discussing it. But that will make this
e-mail bulky and uninteresting.
Following URL will show you these thoughts with an implementation

So my opinion is that it will be more of a report and less of a BDC. So
don't look at it from that angle.

Teknoda wrote:

>  hi...I want to know if there is any program or method for transfer
>  information from SAP R/3 System to another Non SAP System. It's like
>  inverse batch input.
>  Thanks.

Massive BDC programming .....

I have done a lot of BDC programs and my experience also has been that
it does take a lot of time. but not the program writing and program run. Most of
the time is taken by the data preparation and error correction in data that
is user part of it. But if your concern is program writing and actual
running program. Then I would say BDC's are very much standard programs. You got
to formulate a style/architecture of program where you can separate the
Program specific source code modules with modules usable in all BDC programs.
Then what you need to code is only program dependent portion of it and To
your surprise I will tell you that program specific source code is really
very very little.
I can guide you to a URL where you will find a well tested Style/Architecture
for BDCs. I believe it was not developed further in BDC area as it was not
much sought after thing. Using this one can develop a BDC program in maximum 2
days. Will this be good enough to accomplish the task with the available
resource you have?